Chapter History
Soror Winnie Palmer saw a need for the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. on the West Coast and spearheaded attempts to have a chapter chartered. Beta Theta became the first chapter chartered on the West Coast.Midwestern Regional Director, Rosetta Elliott, assisted with the chartering on December 18, 1954. There were fifteen charter members:
Vassie Brown
Bessie Burke
Julia Carpenter
Nancy Carroll
Mae Etta Coleman
Beulah Douglas
Mamie Glenn
Lovie Honeywoood
Mamie Island
Imogene Jones
Rebecca Moore
Ollie Thornton
Fayetta Wagner
Melba Wilson
Shellie Wyndon
Winnie Palmer was the Field Agent at the time of the chartering of the chapter. In 1966 the Far Western Region was chartered and she became the first Far Western Regional Director.
At that time, NSPDK, Inc. had a 5-Point initiative: Projects, Education and Civil Rights, Reading, Teach-A-Rama, and Youth Guidance (PERTY). Beta Theta established a Fine Arts Program teaching art, dance, charm, drama, and sewing in order to comprehensively implement this initiative. This program continued for many years. Other notable accomplishments were the Multicultural Workshops for Youth, which began at Dorsey High School and later moved to USC. This project was inspired by Soror Annie Calomee.